Are Zionsim & The State of Israel Moshiach Ben Yosef?

Are Zionsim & The State of Israel Moshiach Ben Yosef?

I have said that the Israeli government is Moshiach Ben Yosef

Now I’m gonna lay it all out for you so you can decide for yourselves

Zionism – Moshiach Ben Yosef? Are you nuts?

Let’s see…

Moshiach in this context is another word for “Malchus”, a.k.a. government 

So what we’re saying is, that at its core, the Israeli government since its founding 75 years ago & perhaps since the start of secular Zionism, is the physical embodiment of the spiritual force of Yosef.

First let’s establish the fact that Yosef is destined to lead Am Yisrael, this is well known, see list of many relevant sources:

  1. It starts with the dreams in Parshas Vayeshev, the bundles of wheat bowing down, then the heavenly constellations – clearly Yosef is destined to lead (The brothers are very suspicious – some things don’t change) 
  2. In Mitzrayim he actually becomes the viceroy, 2nd to the king
  3. After Reuven sins, the Bechora (Melucha) goes to Yosef (and Yehuda)
  4. In the Birchos Yaakov, both Yosef & Yehuda receive the most extensive Brachos – due to their leadership responsibilities
  5. In Yaakov’s bracha he says “תהיין לראש יוסף ולקדקד נזיר אחיו” which means the one “Crowned” over his brothers
  6. This idea is repeated in vZos Habracha, when Moshe Rabbeinu gives a bracha to Yosef he says, “לקדקד נזיר אחיו” which crowns Yosef kingship
  7. Am Yisrael enters Eretz Yisrael 3 times in history; 
    1. After Mitzrayim
    2. Bayis Sheni
    3. Bayis Shlishi. 

The leader the first time was Yehoshua bin Nun – from Shevet Ephraim which is Yosef. Coming back round #2 by Bayis Sheni it was Zerubavel who was from Malchus Yehuda. From the Gemara and other sources it seems that the final redemption will be in stages with Mashiach Ben Yosef coming first and then afterwards Mashiach Ben David. 

Now that we have established Yosef as a Shevet of leadership, let’s look at how Yosef operates;

The 2 primary ways that make Yosef stand out in contrast to Malchus Beis Dovid are

  1. Yosef is not necessarily religious a.k.a he may be secular
  2. Yosef’s style of leadership is very strong and top heavy, especially when it comes to the economy – everything belongs to him and he redistributes that wealth. 

This very much resembles the government of Israel since its founding. 

Let’s review some of the sources for these 2 distinctions:

  1. The Rambam says that in contrast to other Jewish governments, Moshiach ben Dovid is Shomer Torah & Mitzvos, which sounds like Yosef perhaps isn’t. This idea is comes from the Gemara & Yerushalmi
  2. Yosef became part of Egyption society – so much so that he was not recognizable as the possuk says “ויכר יוסף את אחיו והם לא היכרהו” 
  3. In Yosef’s first dream, the bundles of wheat which symbolize material wealth, economy, etc are all bowing down to Yosef, this demonstrates his strong central government style of leadership. 
  4. In Parshas Miketz when the brothers first come down to Mitzrayim, the Possuk says ”ויוסף הוא השליט על הארץ הוא המשביר” there are 2 points in this possuk A) a “Shalit” is a strong style of leadership and B) “הוא המשביר” can be understood in light of modern day socialism where the government absorbs tremendous amounts of GDP and redistributes it to the public
  5. In Parshas Vayigash when the brothers tell Yaakov that Yosef is alive the language they choose is “וכי הוא מושל בכל ארץ מצרים” Chazal tell us that “Moshel” is a forceful style of government in contrast to “Melech” which is not.
  6. Later in Parshas Vayigash, the Torah goes into detail on how Yosef amassed tremendous wealth to the coffers of Egypt which he then sells to the people in exchange for all their possessions, real estate and even their own selves. This points to Yosef’s powerful style of leadership.
  7. The famous Talmudic concept of הפקר בית דין הפקר was established by Yehoshua bin Nun which very much aligns with our understanding of the powerful and eminent domain style of a Yosef government.

To recap, Yosef is a symbol of leadership, with a specific modus operandi, which can be seen in secular Zionism. 

You may wonder why is Mashiach Ben Yosef needed altogether?

The Malchus of Yosef & Yehuda are here to accomplish two separate goals.

Yosef’s job is to establish the “Guf”, the body of a people and its physical manifestation as a country. A people living in their nation state.

Yehuda’s job is the Neshama i.e. the spiritual destiny of Am Yisrael. 

Perhaps this explains why Yosef appears the first time with Yehoshua Bin Nun when we were a slave society, only 40 years out of Mitzrayim. 

Once again in our time he appears to take us out of an oppressive 2000 year exile, we were not in a position to collectively make that happen on our own. A situation like this requires a very strong and top heavy force to gather up Am Yisrael, bring them to their homeland, create an independent state, set up an economy etc. 

By Bayis Sheni, Am Yisrael was only 70 years past Churban Bayis Rishon and therefore were strong enough as a people to be revived through Malchus Beis Dovid alone; Zerubavel.

It’s worth mentioning that the gematria of Yosef is? You guessed it, Tzion!

The point here is to help understand we are in history. The brothers made a mistake in misreading Yosef, throwing him into a pit and eventually standing before him in Mitzrayim. Are we misreading Yosef today?

All those people we have been calling Tzioni? I wonder if its Mechiras Yosef all over again?! 

Yosef’s brothers were suspicious then, and once again in our times.

Maaseh Avos Siman L’Banim.

Let’s not repeat this mistake, as Chazal say “אוי לה לאותה בושה אוי לה לאותה כלמה”.

A brother is a brother and like Yosef responds to them, that, “if Yaakov is my father then I am your brother.” Hashem is the one that placed Yosef in this position, to accomplish certain goals for Klal Yisroel, both then and in our time.

Chazal tell us that unlike Yosef, we will not get David/Yehuda style leadership unless we collectively demand it. Perhaps that time is now!?!

By: Tzvi M Arnstein [email protected]

2025-01-06T17:13:38+00:00January 6th, 2025|Get Inspired, News|0 Comments

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